How to Combat Common Roofing Problems During the Monsoon in Northeast India


The monsoon season in Northeast India presents unique and challenging conditions for homeowners. Lying very close to the Tropics, this region exhibits a tropical climate, particularly in the valleys. The monsoon climate brings heavy to very heavy rains, confined within the four summer months from June to September, with the southwest monsoon being the main source of rain and June and July being the rainiest months. No part of Northeast India receives rainfall below 1,000 mm, with the Shillong plateau and Cherrapunji receiving particularly high amounts, the latter averaging an annual rainfall of 11,465 mm. The Brahmaputra valley receives around 2,000 mm, while Guwahati, in the rain shadow of the Meghalaya plateau, receives 1,717 mm. The hilly areas receive between 2,000 and 3,000 mm of rain, though places like Kohima in Nagaland and Imphal in Manipur, due to their location in the shadow of the mountains, receive less than 2,000 mm.

The heavy rains, high humidity, and strong winds can cause significant roofing problems. Here’s a guide on how to combat these common issues effectively.

1. Preventing Roof Leaks

Heavy rains can cause water to seep through the smallest cracks and gaps in the roof, leading to leaks and water damage inside your home.

So, it is important to regularly inspect your roof for any signs of damage or wear and tear. Pay special attention to areas around chimneys, skylights, and vents. Use high-quality sealants to fill in cracks and gaps. Additionally, consider installing waterproof underlayment beneath your roofing material for an added layer of protection.

2. Managing Roof Drainage

Blocked gutters and downspouts can cause water to pool on the roof, leading to leaks and structural damage.

Cleaning your gutters and downspouts regularly, especially before the monsoon season begins, and ensuring that they are free from leaves, twigs, and other debris, is crucial. Installing gutter guards can help prevent debris from accumulating. Additionally, make sure that the downspouts direct water away from the foundation of your home.

3. Addressing Roof Shingle Issues

Strong winds and heavy rain can cause roof shingles to lift, crack, or even blow away, exposing the underlying roof structure to water damage.

It is a given that you must inspect your shingles regularly and replace any that are damaged or missing. Use high-quality, wind-resistant shingles designed to withstand the harsh monsoon conditions. Secure loose shingles with roofing nails and sealant to prevent them from being lifted by the wind.

4. Preventing Moss and Algae Growth

The high humidity during the monsoon season can lead to the growth of moss and algae on your roof, which can cause damage and reduce the lifespan of your roofing material.

To avoid that, keep your roof clean and free from debris. Trim overhanging branches to reduce shade and allow more sunlight to reach the roof, which helps prevent moss and algae growth. Consider installing zinc or copper strips along the roof ridge, as these metals naturally inhibit the growth of moss and algae when it rains.

5. Ensuring Proper Roof Ventilation

Poor ventilation can trap the moisture in, leading to mould growth, wood rot, and increased energy costs.

It is also crucial to ensure your area under the roof has proper ventilation by installing vents along the ridges. Good ventilation allows moisture to escape and prevents it from building up and causing damage. Regularly check and maintain these vents to ensure they are not blocked by debris.

6. Strengthening Roof Flashing

Roof flashing, the metal strips installed around roof features like chimneys and vents, can become loose or damaged, leading to leaks.

So, it’s very important to inspect the roof flashing regularly and secure or replace any loose or damaged sections. Use high-quality flashing materials and ensure they are properly sealed to prevent water infiltration.


Maintaining a sturdy and leak-proof roof during the monsoon season in Northeast India requires regular inspections, timely repairs, and the use of high-quality materials. By taking proactive steps, homeowners can prevent common roofing problems and protect their homes from the damaging effects of heavy rains and high humidity.

For high-quality coloured roofing sheets and accessories in Northeast India, Taj Roofing is one of the best options. Our products are crafted to endure the harsh monsoon conditions, ensuring lasting protection for your home. With a dedication to quality and customer satisfaction, Taj Roofing is your trusted partner for all your roofing needs. For more information or any queries, please contact us today!

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